The movie takes place on the set of a movie named "Tristram Shandy." In the beginning of the movie takes place in a makeup room, where Coogan and Brydon talk about their billing, and whether Brydon's teeth are too yellow. Coogan has the lead, playing both Tristram and his father, Walter. Brydon plays Tristram's uncle Toby, who gives his life to building a large outdoor model of the battlefield where, as a young man, he suffered a weird injury. The Widow Wadman (Anderson), who is considering marrying Toby, wants to know precisely how and, where was his wounded. "Just beyond the asparagus," Toby explains.
The movie is endearingly strange. There is a showing of some battle scenes in which dreary foot soldiers wander past the camera, looking like extras on their lunch break. And a scene in which a miniature unborn Tristram is seen inside a miniature womb. It reminds the life on a movie set, which for a few weeks or months to create. As the final credits roll, Coogan and Brydon are still engaged in their running contest of insults. The best part of the whole movie is when Tristram was a little boy and the babysitter closed the window on his…
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tristram Shandy. A Cock and Bull Story
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Endearingly strange! Marvelous turn of phrase!