Thursday, November 5, 2009

Long Voyage Home/ Raging Bull

My opinion of Long Voyage Home was terrible. I didn’t like the film at all I thought it needed more action. My attention was lost once I heard the music in the very beginning of the movie. However the one part in the movie that I thought was suspense full was when the guy wanted to escape the boat but at the end the guards caught him which sucked for the guy. Once again I really didn’t like the film.
Raging bull was interesting. My favorite sport to watch is boxing, so I liked this film. I thought the casting for the actors was great. Robert De Niro as Jake La Motta I think he did wonderful job acting, especially when he was arguing with his brother Joey (played by Joey Pesci), and at the boxing matches. Joey Pesci did a wonderful job playing Jake La Motta’s brother, I think that he was hysterical and made the entire movie humorous. However, Jake La Motta’s ex wife played by Cathy Moriarty was extremely annoying. I think she did a terrible job acting the only reason why she was hired as an actress was because of her looks. I also don’t like her character Vicky she cheated on Jake numerous tomes then ruined Jake La Motta’s relationship between him and his brother. Another reason why I liked the film was because my favorite director is Martin Scorsese. He did a wonderful job as a director and I loved how the film was in Black and White. A film that is in black and white is always memorable especially for a sixteen year old who is used to color films. I liked how the movie was more dramatic by the slow motion. Overall Raging Bull was a great movie and very unforgettable

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