Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do the Right Thing

Do the Right thing was a very good movie. The reason why is because the film feels like you are in the streets in the Brooklyn watching everything that is going on. Especially when it was the hottest day in Brooklyn and when the people opened up the fire extinguisher and were spraying water all over the street. I felt that I was there tasting the water and enjoying the cool refreshing taste of the water.
Then later on in the movie when the camera angle was turned sideways as the persons point of view. Also how they showed the face so close it feels like the character is looking at you. The movie was also very surprising especially at the end.
I honestly didn’t expect that from the film. In the begging everybody loved Famous Sal’s Pizza. Then you see a drastic turning point by the end of the film, how everybody turned against Sal’s Pizza and completely burned down and crashed the restaurant. I didn’t think that the people were serious about boycotting Sal’s Pizza. However I was wrong.
The movie is very interesting because it shows the life of the other characters. Such as Mookie (Spike Lee) and how he works as a delivery boy for Sal’s Pizza but you see his personal life with his girlfriend and his son. The acting was amazing, and the film itself is unforgettable.

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